
Spring Session Begins
January 6th



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When Can I start?
While it is best to enroll at the beginning of the session, you may  join at any time as long as there is space available in the class.
How DO I enroll?
You can register, enroll and pay for classes at If you have any questions, please call the studio at 721-9477. Click HERE to register now
How many times a week should i take a class?
Our students take anywhere from 1 hour a week to over 8 hours a week of dance.  It really depends on your own personal goals.  We recommend taking at least twice a week if you can, as each dance class can be linked to the other in some way.  For example, if you want to take a Jazz class, consider taking a supporting Ballet class to help further develop you technical foundation.  If you want to take Hip Hop, Jazz is a nice compliment to it.  If you want further guidance on classes, just give us a call! We will be happy to help.

If you are enrolling a preschool age student for the first time, we suggest starting with one hour per week.  Many students take twice a week, but start with one to make sure they are going to like it! (We know they will though.

Will there be a recital?

Recital will be in late May/early June.

Holidays for 2024-25

( we do not charge for classes that fall on a holiday)

Labor Day Monday, September 2

Halloween, October 31

Thanksgiving (Thursday-Sunday) November 28- December 1

Winter Break December 22- January 6 (Company members will have rehearsals)

Rodeo days (Thursday-Sunday) February 20-23

Memorial Day Monday, May 26th

July 4th